General conditions for using the web page

From date 34/2002 of "Services for the company of communication and commerce" in force since July 11, 2002, we communicate on this web page due to:

Tax Domicilio:

  • Number: Abba Hoteles, S.A.
  • Tax ID (CIF): A-31667637
  • C/ Emilio Arrieta, nº 25 - 31002 Pamplona, España. 
  • Poblacion: 31002 Pamplona, ​​Spain.
  • Phone: +34 93 363 23 30
  • Email:
  • Registered in the Reg. Mercantile de Navarra. Volume 715. Folio 159. Hoja NA 14774 Inscription 1ª.

Postal address:

  • Number: Abba Hoteles S.A.
  • Direction: C/ Berlín, 51-53 (entresuelo) - 08014 Barcelona
    Phone: +34 93 363 23 30
  • Email:

1.- Objeto
1.1.In fulfillment of the obligations stipulated in Law 34/2002, of Services of the Electronic Business and Information Society (LSSI-CE) ABBA HOTELES, S.A. (El Prestador) is available to users of this document, with this that claims to inform respect to its conditions of use of the site

1.2. Everyone who accesses this web site and uses our services, or facilitates our data, assumes the user paper, compromises to the observance and rigorous compliance with the provisions contained therein, as well as any other legal provision that cannot be applied.

1.3 This legal notice will have an indefinite validity period and will be applicable, until the publication of a new version.

1.4 The provider reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the web site, unless there is an obligation to notify or be aware of the users of the modifications, intending to do so sufficiently, the publication on the web site of the provider.

1.5 In this sense, periodic review of this legal notice is recommended.

1.6 The provider reserves the right to refrain from restricting the user's use and/or access to the user's website, prior to the inclusion of these general conditions, without failure to receive compensation or indemnification for this reason.

2.- User obligations
2.1 For the provision of certain services offered through this web portal, a series of user data is requested. The finality of the petition, it is possible to eject the service requested under the requested conditions. Al respecto el usuario se compromiso a que los datos solicitados y declarados, sean verdaderos, completos y precisos, y se compromiso, asimismo, a notificar al prestador, cualquier cambio que afecte los mismos lo antes posible, para avitar los problems that could arise In case the supplier provides incorrect or missing data.

3.- Exemption of responsibility
3.1 The provider:

a) Please note that any type of responsibility derived from the information published on your web site, if this information is handled or introduced by a third party otherwise.

b) We cannot guarantee that the use of the website and its services is in accordance with the law, these general conditions, morality and public order; However, adopt the measures that at any time consider them suitable to comply with the established law.

c) We are responsible for any damages or prejudices of any natural person that may derive from the incorrect, illegal or illicit use of the website or the services and contents that are offered.

d) We reserve the right to impede the use of access and use of the services of our web portals, at any time and without prior notice, in the event of inclusion of the general conditions and particulars of use and in the event of acts contrary to the ley, la morale, las buenas costumbres generally accepted and the public order.

e) We reserve the right to modify this legal notice at any time, respecting the rights acquired by our users. Any modification will be notified to users, with the maximum possible notice. Consideration of notification of the modification, by user, the insertion of the new text message from Aviso Legal in this web portal. The use of the web portal following the modification of the general conditions implies your acceptance, by part of the user.

f) In any case the provider will be responsible for moral damages, profit and/or any direct or indirect damages, which will protect the user.

g) From the customer's website it is possible to redistribute the contents of third-party websites. Because the operator cannot always control the contents of third parties on his websites, no form of responsibility is assumed with respect to the two contents. In any case, the administrator declares that he will proceed to the immediate withdrawal of any content that could violate national or international law, morals or the public order, by proceeding to the immediate withdrawal of redirection to your website, assuming that he is aware of the authorities competent for the content of the query.

h) This website has been reviewed and tested to ensure it functions correctly. In principle, it can guarantee correct functioning for 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, the driver cannot detect the possibility that emergency situations may arise, such as programming errors, which may cause interruptions in the service to return to the maintenance area or which may cause problems outside of its control, such as Major force attacks, natural disasters, attacks by hackers or crackers, robberies, or sudden incidents that make access to the website impossible. i) In any case, the user may not economically complain about this interruption of service.

4.- Incident communication.
In case there is any incident related to the service, before or after the purchase is made, you can contact us at: e-business @

5.- Intellectual and industrial property
5.1 The website, including the title enunciated but not limited to its programming, publishing, compilation and the elements necessary for its functioning, the designs, logos, text and/or graphics are the property of the operator or in its In this case, the license or authorization is issued by the authors. All contents of the website are found to be clearly protected by intellectual and industrial property law, as recorded in the corresponding public records.

5.2 Regardless of the purpose for which the goods are intended, total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialization shall in any case require the prior written authorization of the User. Any unauthorized use by the operator shall be considered an infringement of the author's intellectual or industrial property rights.

5.3 The designs, logos, text and/or graphics other than those of the operator and which may appear on the website, their respective owners, they shall be responsible for any possible controversy that may arise with respect to them. In any case, the driver takes into account the express authorization and precedes it on behalf of both parties.

5.4 The user and/or visitor of the web portal undertakes to respect these rights and, consequently, not to copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, transmit, publicize, display or represent in any way the contents of the web portal through distinct means. those who have been qualified for the purpose of achieving this, or those who are used legally on the Internet, have been authorized beforehand, in written form and by the administrator. In addition, you agree not to undertake any other activity that could infringe the intellectual property rights of the operator or the users of the website.

5.5 To carry out any type of observation or comment, with respect to possible infringements of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any content on the website, you can do so through the following email: e-business @

6 .- Clause of salvation.
6.1.- The possible disability or incapacity of one or more of the clauses of these general conditions, because, for any reason, will not determine the disability or incapacity of the group, but will be permanent and effective for all the clauses mentioned.

7.- Legislation and jurisdiction
7.1.- The law applicable in the event of a dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that conform to these Conditions of Use, as well as any question related to the services of the Portal, shall be the Spanish law.

7.2.- For the resolution of any controversy that may arise due to the use of the Portal and its services, the parties shall at least submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Pamplona. If the user considers the consumer to be his or her domicile, or if, in each case, the normative processing is established between consumers and users.