James & Rita, an app (by abba Hotels)

Check in online, it’s much faster and more convenient.

Your experience at abba Hoteles, easy and fast. You can check in using your mobile device without having to queue, a simpler alternative that allows you to concentrate on enjoying your stay.
The app gives you access to all the hotel’s information and services; you can check in and check out and manage anything that crops up.

1- Download the app
2- Create a profile
3- Arrival at the hotel and check-in


1- Download the app

Completely free

Go to your app store on your mobile and download the James&Rita app, it’s completely free and is available at:

Google Play

App Store


2- Create a profile

For each person who is going to stay in the hotel.

Once you’ve downloaded the app, create a profile for each adult who is going to stay in the hotel. The app will scan your Identity Card or passport. On the day of arrival you will receive an email to link your booking to your profile, or you can link it yourself with the details of your booking and the surname used to book the room. It’s important that by the time you arrive at the hotel, all the documents and details for all the adults staying have been added to the app. That is what makes it fast and efficient.


3- Arrival and check-in

Everything is ready when you get to the hotel.

When you get to the hotel, you will have everything you need to check in online.
Follow the steps in the video to do it yourself.
Now you just need to pass by Reception to pick up your key – and enjoy your stay with abba Hoteles!